Verbena spp. (V. hastata, V. macdougalii, V. officinalis)
Vervain (Verbena)
Vervain is also known by common names American Blue Vervain and Simpler’s Joy. This plant is in the Plant Family Verbenaceae, but not to be confused with Lemon Verbena (Aloysia triphylla). These are two different plants only belonging to the same Plant Family. Vervain grows best in full sun and attracts many beautiful pollinators, including butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds.
Vervain is indigenous to the United States, growing naturally along roadsides and tall grassy fields flowering between June and September. It is a tall (3-4 feet), slender, elegant, perennial plant with opposing leaves which are lobed and serrated in shape and have small purple flowers.